Kunst cv
1966 Benin-City, Edo, Nigeria
_ Immaculate Conception College, Benin City
_ School of Art and Design In Auchi
1992-93 Minevia kunst Acedemie, Groningen ,Nederland.
1989 moves to the Netherlands
1996 lives in Enschede
,eerste publiekatie over kunstenaar "Osagie Edowandagbon" leeuwaden courant, 1992 expositie Stad Workom
solo exhibitions
Te workom Expositi
1992 Expositie in Friesland
’05 – 2016 Galerie Huijs Basten Asbeck Groenlo
2008 African Studies Centre. Leiden NL, “The more you look, the more you segroe
2006 Galerie Bettenhaussen, Amsterdam
2011 Galerie 23, Amsterdam (15 mei t/m 19 juni)
2012 African Studies Centre. Leiden NL, “The Imagination of Freedom” July 12-October 15.
2013 Galerie WVII – Enschede
2014 Galerie Alafran – Diepenheim
2016 Galerie Alafran – Diepenheim
2015 art@nuyens VM23, Arnhem “Osagie Edomwandagbon”
2003 Galerie Lamboya huis Hengelo.
2009 Galerie Objectief- Enschede.
Group exhibitions
1996 Expositie te Groningen
2009 Galerie Dorie Haarman -Raalte
2006 Galerie Bettenhaussen, Amsterdam
2010 Galerie Alafran – Diepenheim
2010 Het Pathé Huis museum – Oldenzaal
2010 Boulevard Amandla – Belgium
2011 Projections & Perspectives, ACEC, Apeldoorn,
2017 Cultureel erfgoed Enschede
2015 De Lente Salon, VM23 Arnhem
2009 Group-kerkraden, Nederland
2000 Open galerie, Gemany
In his paintings, mythological and psychological themes tumble over each other
Osagie exhibits regularly in the East and West of the Netherlands. He had a busy schedule last year, with exhibitions in the ‘Palthehuis’ in Oldenzaal, the ACEC building in Apeldoorn, and at Gallery 23 on the KNSM island in Amsterdam. His exhibition there was opened by Hilde de Bruijn, curator of the Cobra Museum, who is, just as many others, fascinated by his work. After his exposition at Gallery 23, he exhibited at gallery Huijs Basten Asbeck in Groenlo. Right now, he is is back at the African Studies Centre in Leiden, where he showed his art to the public in 2009 as well.